Evaluasi Drug Related Problems (DRPs) terhadap Pengobatan Pasien Covid-19 Di RSUD Bumiayu Tahun 2023


  • Stefani Yuli Nurimansyah Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Peradaban, Jalan Raya KM 3 Paguyangan, Paguyangan Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52276, Indonesia
  • Baedi Mulyanto Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Peradaban, Jalan Raya KM 3 Paguyangan, Paguyangan Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52276, Indonesia
  • Luthfi Hidayat Maulana Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Peradaban, Jalan Raya KM 3 Paguyangan, Paguyangan Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52276, Indonesia
  • Dossy Susan Anggraeni Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Peradaban


Drug Rellateld Prolblelms (DRPs) arel colnditiolns assolciateld with drug thelrapy that actually olr havel thel poltelntial tol intelrfelrel with delsireld clinical helalth olutcolmels. Accolrding tol WHOl, molrel than 50% olf drug prelscribing can causel prolblelms, elspelcially irratiolnal and uncolntrollleld meldicatioln. The molst colmmoln DRPs arel drug intelractiolns 36.98%, adhelrelncel 29.69%, wrolng drug 8.33%, dolsel tolol lolw 7, 81%, drug thelrapy that is nolt neleldeld 7.29%. Thel aim olf thel study was tol deltelrminel thel elffelct olf Drug Rellateld Prolblelms (DRPs) oln thel trelatmelnt olf COlVID-19 patielnts at Bumiayu Gelnelral Holspital. This typel olf relselarch is quantitativel using SPSS Statistics 16. Data colllelctioln was carrield olut reltrolspelctivelly belcausel prelviolus infolrmatioln was takeln frolm thel patielnt's meldical relcolrd. Thel samplel in this study was 80 patielnts, thel sampling telchniquel useld a purpolsivel sampling telchniquel by lololking at thel subjelcts accolrding tol thel inclusioln critelria. Thel data analysis useld was t-telst univariatel analysis. Thel relsults olf thel analysis with thel t telst givel thel sig valuel. 0.738> 0.05, theln Hol is accelpteld, which melans Drug Rellateld Prolblelms (DRPs) havel nol elffelct oln thel trelatmelnt olf COlVID-19 patielnts at Bumiayu Holspital. Thel colnclusioln frolm thel relselarch relsults is that thelrel is nol elffelct olf Drug Rellateld Prolblelms (DRPs) oln thel trelatmelnt olf COlVID-19 patielnts at Bumiayu Holspital.




How to Cite

Nurimansyah, S. Y., Mulyanto, B., Maulana, L. H., & Anggraeni, D. S. (2024). Evaluasi Drug Related Problems (DRPs) terhadap Pengobatan Pasien Covid-19 Di RSUD Bumiayu Tahun 2023. Pharmacy Peradaban Journal, 4(2), 199–210. Retrieved from https://x.peradaban.ac.id/index.php/ppj/article/view/1916

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