Analisis Kandungan kalium Bromat dan Allura Red pada Saus Tomat dan Sambal di Pasar Tradisional Karangmoncol


  • Febriyanto Bayu Aji
  • Eka Trisnawati
  • Tunjung Winarno


Allura Red, Tomato Sauce and Sambal, TLC, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry


Food additives must pay attention to safety when using dyes or preservatives in food, which must be of good quality and have good nutritional value. Food and Drug Supervisory Agency received 57 news about food additive poisoning in food, namely 53 extraordinary events were found in Indonesia. The purpose of the study was to analyze the content of potassium bromate and allura red contained in tomato sauce and chili sauce at Karangmoncol Traditional Market, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java Province. The research method used is the color test method by reacting chemicals and the thin layer chromatography (TLC) method. The results showed that the potassium bromate in the sample which was reacted with 1% potassium iodide into 0.1 N hydrochloric acid obtained a negative result that no KBrO3 compound was found, while in allura red three samples A, B and C were found which were positive containing allura red, it is known from Fluorescence spotting standard Rf value of 0.64 which was compared with the sample Rf value of A (0.64), B (0.64) and C (0.64). Subsequent examinations used the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method to determine the allura red content in the sample, from the results of measurements and calculations that it was proven that three samples contained allura red compounds, namely sample A as much as 0.0583 mg, sample B as much as 0.0616 mg and sample C as much as 0. 0.0473 mg, with a maximum wavelength of 212 nm allura red while the results of linear regression y=0.007x-0.009 and the value of the correlation coefficient (r2) is 0.995.


Keywords: Allura Red, Tomato Sauce and Sambal, TLC, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry.


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How to Cite

Aji, F. B., Trisnawati, E., & Winarno, T. (2022). Analisis Kandungan kalium Bromat dan Allura Red pada Saus Tomat dan Sambal di Pasar Tradisional Karangmoncol: Array. Pharmacy Peradaban Journal, 2(1), 7–13. Retrieved from

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